22 August 2008

the day

its my BIG day today - the day where my friends taking full advantages to critize me old, talk less nonsense, stop acting like a kid, be mature and stuff equivalent to those, the day where i can have wishes more than any other days, the day where i receive loads of wishes from various people, the day where i feel happy for no reason, the day where i put a smile on my face suddenly and also not forgotten the day where my chances of my photos/name to be displayed in orbituary segment getting higher.
apart from all these, i'm grateful to god for giving me all that i have today whether livings or nonlivings things; what i used to have; and moments i used to go through which now called memories. most importantly i'm thankful that now less than an hour, in one of the wishes in my short term list, though it did not come true completely, it almost fulfilled - good enough to get my heart smiling =)
well, wishes in my long term list will for sure consuming longer time as the effects will only be seen as time passes yes, i understand that god. and so all i need is faith!
ok, last but not least, for those that wished me and will be wishing me, whether you will read this or not or whether you know the existance of this blog or not, i thank all of you from the bottom of my little heart. *hugs*

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