31 May 2009

not good

with my forehead resting on my left hand, with my eyes closed but spec on, i sigh a few times when typing this.

not that i am sad but i am sinked in boredom waiting for the korean drama to finish downloading. taking forever.

and why am i still watching?

because i cant think of better thing to do. so free. so nothing to do or to be more accurate i refuse to do
[just so you know my proposal is still incomplete where almost all had completed theirs, some even had their thesis started; whole database waiting for me to transfer so that a new website can be created; and stuff to list and pack for final training in u.pm]

its so annoying when interest of doing something anything at least one thing vanished. totally infected with virus LAZY 09.

worse when i dont even feel like rolling and lazing on my bed.

adding to my discomfort is the hot weather. making me sweat, sticky and smelly for no reason.

and improper sitting posture causing my shoulder and back to ache.

how disturbed and uneasy! not a good sign.

29 May 2009

kalo rajin bacalah

bila hujung minggu menjelang, yang terlintas di fikiran saya adalah sejenis haiwan yang amat terkenal di bandar tersayang saya pada zaman ini dan juga telah menjadi punca kesesakan. haiwan yang saya maksudkan ini sangat hebat, yes ladies and gentlemen AMAT HEBAT!

haiwan (haiwan-haiwan) ini hebat sekali sehingga terpapar di akhbar dan 'terima kasih' kepada wartawan dan syarikat akhbar, berita dan haiwan itu menarik perhatian warga tidak kira umur dan bangsa (ya, hitam, putih dan perang...semua sekali) dari seluruh semenanjung. benar sebenarnya.... bandar saya sekarang bukan sahaja (bukan lagi) terkenal dengan taman tasik, zoo dan bukit tapi haiwan ini juga. kini ia telah menjadi tumpuan pelancong dan sekaligus berjaya mengharumkan bandar saya (terima kasih? aduhai..).

pernah saya melihat dan mengira lebih kurang 20 bas bertapak di perkarangan haiwan ini melepak. bayangkan sekiranya sebuah bas membawa minima 35 dan maksima 42 penumpang, berapakah orang yang menyibuk dan menyemak di bandar saya??? itu hanyalah dari mata kasar saya, belum lagi kira bas yang entah letak di mana, orang yang saya tak nampak, yang datang sendiri, menggunakan kenderaan sendiri dan orang tempatan sendiri. kerana pemberi maklumat saya memberitahu kadang-kadang sampai menjangkau 40 lebih buah bas.

persoalannya, mengapakah????

hah! kehebatannya amat menakjubkan! haiwan ini dipercayai mempunyai kuasa. kuasa yang dipercayai boleh menjadikan seseorang lebih kaya <>


dengan hanya mengambil sekeping duit kertas dan dengan perlahannya membelai/menggosok ke atas haiwan tersebut. (dengar kata gosok dari kepala ke badan. tak tahulah...) kemudian??? kemudian, apa lagi, pergilah beli nombor ekor dengan duit kertas itu!

sejauh manakah kebenarannya, saya tidak tahu kerana saya tidak cuba. rasanya tidak setipu mana memandangkan semakin hari semakin ramai orang asing menyemak di sini. yang tak pernah datang, datang dan yang pernah datang, datang lagi. namun begitu, kejadian ini kini terlalu hangat sehingga mendapat perhatian pihak polis....haha, ini yang menarik dan mengelikan hati saya kenapa pihak polis boleh terlibat. membuat tinjauan? tangkapan? atau siasatan?

mengikut sumber maklumat saya, sebabnya adalah....

1. ingin menangkap orang me_a_u yang terlibat. kenapa??? sebab HARAM!!! mengapa haram??? sebab haiwan itu adalah B-A-B-I!!!! is_a_ mana boleh sentuh babi!!!!??? is_a_ mana boleh berjudi!!!!???

2. [yang ini sangat lucu bagi saya] sebab perbuatan ini dianggap tidak hormat kepada raja, negara dan agama? mengapa??? pernah tak terlintas ataupun sedar apa yang tercetak di atas duit kertas kita??? gambar siapa??? beliau orang apa??? agama apa???? dan apakah perbuatan orang-orang itu - [hint] gosok pada haiwan itu. jadi, gosok-muka-orang tercetak-haiwan dan haiwan itu adalah BA-- (kaitkan sendiri. dapat? boleh bayang?)
boleh ke dikaitkan sebegitu??? salah ke? saya tak tahu. renung-renung dan fikir-fikirkanlah...

aduhai, tidak pernah saya terpikiaq benda macam ni. sungguh!
apa sudah kes ini sekarang? tidak diketahui. sumber saya sudah pergi melancong dan saya malas untuk melawat kuil itu.

orang sekarang semakin pelik, hidup terlalu senang kot. tak tahulah...

23 May 2009

short and perhaps unnecesary post

it was af and now across countries and oceans another title was crowned just few days back. kris allen the new unexpected winner of american idol for this season this year, a preferrable result in my opinion =)

i admit adam lambert has more powerful voice and vocal. no doubt he is also versatile however, personally i like kris allen more to adam lambert. definitely not because adam lambert is a gay (so far as rumours spread) but there are several parts that i dislike about him. his singing style esp his singing faces expression which was quite ugly and similar to crying and begging for sympathy and his voice at certain range somehow irritated me and freaked me out which made me felt that kris allen was way way better. i know its certainly a lame excuse and not fair if i judged adam lambert in that way because even in finale kris allen was struggling to sing his new song no boundaries but tiny aspects like so would be taken into accounts.

anyways, kris allen no boundaries is good and heartless as well.

18 May 2009


its my 100th and....

hell ya its just the right time to shout it out loud......

i completed watching prison break from the very first episode of the very first season till the very last episode of the final season!
be proud prison break cause thats the first and only when i mention only i really mean ONLY english series i watch without a miss!
end of this will make me feel smtg missing in me. i really hope to continually watching it but personally if it doesnt stop like how it is now, it will be too draggy and slowly pull the excitement away. besides, it bothers me watching cute guy michael scofield @ wentworth miller gaining and accumulating more fats.
and so....a big wave of goodbye to prison break and whoever interested to watch or watch it again, come and get it from me =)

17 May 2009

cepat cepat

cepat cepat la sikit....

right now i'm downloading the finale of prison break. taking me so loooooooong so long.

a.f 7 habis sudah ba

so for akademi fantasia fans, thats it for this year. it was officially ended yesterday night with hafiz the cute curly bomb hair like annouced as the winner of af7. damn damn, in a night he's now the owner of a honda accord with additional rm20000 in his account and many more like olympus camera, nokia cell phone etc.

personally i think he sort of deserved it comparing to other 4. only one i think would be his real competitor, that would be aril and he did proved that as he's the runner up. some might not be satisfied cause he was voted out and then voted in again. its obvious that the whole academy had this voted in back thingie again for his sake (thats my personal thought) and he did rejoined the rest for the finale eventually earning himself the second place.

the rest of the three, well, i think they were just so-so. somehow isma, the only woman in the finalists was the one i felt the most not deserved to be on the stage last night (sorry isma fans) but what to do, public seem to like her (which was a big wonder to me). since this competition was basically depended on votes so its all about popularity, fanatic voters and loaded fans. but i do believe those ppl competiting and surviving til last 5or last 4 have something there to capture their fans' hearts. the x-factor that only their fans could see in them which worth every cents and ringgits of theirs.

as for yazid and akim, yazid's vocal was better than akim however i like akim's voice better but overall they just aint good enough. thats y they din win. ahaha! duh! well, sorry again to yazid and akim's fans.

this whole reality show was the reality show i would say spending the most on their so called students. the students were really taken care well and in fact they were living luxuriously in the academy during the last 10weeks. what a waste of money! perhaps thats was why af had been the aims of malay people here. i was wondering why only malays, sabahan and sarawakians were seen in this competition. why not for the chineses, indians and sikhs? because they couldn't sing better than them? or because they couldn't sing malay songs? or because they feel malay music industry was not what they wanted? but you know what, it could be a real good start. many af ex-students actually are doing pretty well in this industry. look at that eew mawi how he built his fortune in just few years. ah, i dont know why he irritated me in every angles and again its a big wonder why people so in love with him. just eeew!

whatever it is, lets wait for those finalists new songs to be aired esp hafiz's masih jelas. not too bad to give a try.

11 May 2009

now i know

in 2 weekends, i had 2 road trips. traveled across districts, states and country.

first weekend was from tanjung malim --> taiping --> perlis --> hatyai --> perlis --> taiping --> kuala kangsar --> manong --> tanjung tualang --> bidor --> tanjung malim. the road trip with friends actually started form taiping to tm.

second weekend which was just yesterday was from tanjung malim --> kl --> johor bahru --> teluk kerang --> pontian kechil --> kukup --> pulau kukup --> tanjung piai --> pontian --> pekan nenas --> kota tinggi --> kulai --> tanjung leman --> jemaluang --> mersing --> pulau tioman --> mersing --> johor bahru --> kl --> tanjung malim.

road trips are fun not only that we get to travel and eat but geography knowledge definitely improved. besides, the more i travel the more i know the more i fall in love with malaysia.

here are things that i dont know until my recent road trips :

- road to manong has this cool loop which reminds me of the maxis advertisement
- there's train called senandung malam express from kl - singapore (usually i only take express langkawi)
- kukup has international jetty and ppl ac can travel to indonesia through kukup
- the existence of pulau kukup and the mangrove forest in pulau kukup itself
- tanjung piai is the most southern tip of asia!
- pontian and kulai are not kampung like how the names sounded
- yummy noodles in pekan nenas
- waterfall in kota tinggi is charged for rm10 per person (tak guna!)
- the existence of tanjung leman and it's one of the options to cross to pulau sibu
- it takes up to rm200 per person to cross to pulau sibu (padahal its just 45 min ride)
- ktmb train's bed and pillow are pretty comfortable
- roads in johor aint bad to drive even though not a single lamp post and the roads are up and down turn and twist
- the absence of lamp posts throughout the road to mersing makes the moon and stars shine more brightly and the sky so beautiful
- food comes after beautiful sea (this is seriously unexpected!)