i told you today is a nice day and how good i felt this morning to start my day - its true!
i got my bday cake 2 days earlier and the organiser was kasturi a/p paramananda. its kasturi - my childhood friend @ my schoolmates @ my buddies/ best friends!!!!! and the friend that i met only once a year now.
i was so touched, kas actually took the effort to send messages to whoever (almost to me) to organise a lil' surprise bday party for me which i thought its only a tiny gathering before everyone goes off this week. the surprise thing really worked on me cause i never expect that. not sure whether it showed how silly or insensitive or blur of me but who cares, as long as it turned out to be successful.
its supposed to be 1pm gathering. as usual punctual me waited pretty long for kas and >>doosh>> we went. in the car when i told kas that i would be going back on friday instead on wedn like i used to tel her, her reactions was so ARRRGHHHH....she shouted, 'chuah, i'm so gonna kill you. grhhh, i wana kill you!!!!!!' i was like ermm..guess she had some plan for me. we reached at 145pm and we were the EARLIEST! so, i totally ignored the first hint that i was quite smart to figure out. anyways, being earliest was smtg i expected cause no one sent msges to scold me. gosh! then, saw rekka. she was there few seconds after us. we settled down and waitedddddd....... cheah not in, aamreet with her excuses and jas nowhere to be found. DARN, no wonder kas was talking to rekka in tamil! a'ah, thats how rekka knew the plan and not me.
we continue waiting and waiting. kas took my phone and got goay's number through my phone WITHOUT ME KNOWING. i thought she was admiring it. aduhai.... then kas asked me to msg those i msged day before and asked me to scold them for being late and i did. after more than half an hour, at last goay was seen walking in with her smiles (as usual). when goay was around, she suddenly picked up the idea to force jiem to join us. and we happily kutuk jiem. ahaha.... till then, everything looked so normal to me but its actually NOT with kas and her plan. out of the blue in our conversation, kas cut in and asked me,' do you like chocolate? '
i was like, ' huh? err, not really.'
after an hour, surprisingly i remembered the car meter was almost up and i told kas that i was going to add it. she told me its ok cause she's going off soon to her friend's place to drop him something. i was curious so i asked where and wondered would she be back. and she simply replied lake view and convincingly said,' yes, i will be back.'
by then i stil had no clue bout the surprise thing plan. i asked cause i followed kas there so if she tak balik macam mana saya nak balik but you see, they had plan so they thought i would suspect smtg but nah i wouldnt be that smart. aaah, i think i remembered kas and rekka were laughing when kas replied me lake view. dammit kas.
when maryam reached not for long, she followed kas out and thats when kas told her the plan. and i was still innocently thought its a mini gathering. when they were back...... tada! here came the bday cake!!!!!!!! song. claps. cheers. hugs.
though not many managed to turn out but its a precious gathering cause all these years i couldnt really remember my school friends @ close friends @ best friends celebrating my bday, buying me cake, watching me blowing candles and cutting cake. it might sounded a lil' miserable but its because timing just not good - smtg that couldnt be avoided right so i didnt mind and most of the time i celebrated with family so didnt matter.
anyways, what made it more special was that ukraine ppl was there (that will be kas), u.k ppl was there ( that will be maryam) , soon to be u.s ppl was there(thats will be rekka) and the same old faces that i love - goayimm and jiemin were there. hahahaha..... =D
thanks a lot, my fellow friends!!!!! =)
*you know what kas, while i was closing my eyes sort of wishing before blowing just now, i ac didnt make any wishes cause i didnt know what to wish. i was still shocked and had brain jammed. hehe...