24 January 2009

filling up boredom

it took a pretty long time for my father and brother to appear to fetch me back from my dental check up. so while i waited outside the ng clinic, i stood there looking at the cars passing one by one. thats the very usual thing i did when i was waiting for my turn at the upstair in the clinic too in case no one knew bout it.

as 2009 started, everyone in the car were to put on their safety belts. so as i waited and out of curiousity, i decided to start to do a small research after some time.

started my research and here the report......

objective --> to determine malaysians do not wear safety belts at the back seats
metodology --> count the number of cars with back passenger without safety belts
expected result --> most of them do not wear safety belts
target --> cars fixed with belts and with passengers at the back
place --> that particular junction particular road
time duration --> 32 minutes
numbers of cars --> 55
result --> 43 outta 55
conclusion --> 78% do not wear safety belts and thus they do not obey law.
objective achieved!

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