24 April 2009

back for nothing

yo, hibernated blog!

erm, today.....
weather is good. hot bright friday!
mood aint bad. well, no reason why i should be in bad mood or whatsoever.
bear bear is healthy.
motorbike still with 2 wheels.
laundry basket...? err,...still in considerable condition. AH @#$%^, my UNIFORM!....damn, been chucked for weeks. noh noh, more than that d. aiya...kan bu tau..kan bu tau....tak nampak...tak nampak... later laaaa...

so! so!!!!! weekend is heeerrree!!!!! and YES, end of first week of exam. woohoooo.... 2 weeks to go. specifically...[counting with fingers] 13days more. ya, 13 hari lagi saje!! SAJE!!!

anyways, while i'm here i shal update a lil bout myself. too bad i can only blog about me cause i only know updates bout me. guess its confirmed that i'm not accepted to stay in hostel for next sem. hah!!!! halau lar, tak kisah pon! all these are caused by the new intake in next session. dont know why, uni decided to take in so so many students. not as if the uni is very huge or what but increasing almost 2times of the normal intake. what for????? whatever it is, because first year students compulsory to stay in hostel and priority must be given to them. to fill those in..., apa lagi, seniors of every hostels become the victims. one by one kicked out...no no, to be exact, groups by groups been kicked out. and thats y i'm moving out. i mean i need to move out even though we were given the words and so called guaranteed we get to stay til the very last sem. whatever. its gonna be my last sem here. i dont give a damn man, think of it, next sem.....

i hv no curfew! i conquer my room! i can wear shorts in and out! CYCLE to campus! WALK to campus! and babi... er, still not very approriate. hehe...after all, i'm stil staying with muslims and i'm the only chinese in the house.
but it will be real real fun if i hv bicycle....


eejane said...

bear bear is healthy.

razorcut said...

yup, very healthy.