26 September 2009


falling sick is very common. maybe once a while like once in 2-3 months or for girls perhaps slightly once a month.

when people usually have those illnesses like fever, flu, cough and sore throat, i will more commonly attacked by bacteria which caused me food poisoning.

i dont know why but it seems that i get food poisoning more often than those sicknesses i mentioned. suka suka tornado will occurs in my stomach. everything will turn upside down and the chaos is clearly heard by human ears. then, digestive system will be malfunction and everything starts to go wrong and leads to stomachache, diarrhea and vomit. thank god, i'l be fine after throwing up.

i wonder if its me stuffing too much and macam-macam in my tummy. i'm worried when my tummy expands and harden. thats terrifying you know. and thats when i realise the good side of diarrhea and vomitting. very obvious, its stock clearing sign.

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