23 February 2010


with my milo ice beside me in a hot midnight although the rain just poured, i am sitting facing my laptop again to blog about pai ti kong.

before i laid my fingers on the keyboard, i took a sip of my i-believe-very-yummilicious-milo that i just made specially for myself.

with very high expectation of my skill in making milo ice, my tiny sepet eyes grew bigger as the drink was swallowed and the taste was detected by my taste buds on my tongue and interpreted by my brain.

holy s***!!!!!



it turned out salty????

i was in real shock. apa ni? quickly i refreshed and gosh, that crytal looking solids i poured which i thought was sugar suddenly became clear to my brain it was salt. adeh! my yummilicious milo became salty milo ice. *sigh

i begin with my first sip and now i seal it with last gulp of my salty milo ice. it tasted not bad but let it remained as the first and last.

pai ti kong will be posted other day. i'm kinda still in a shock.

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