04 November 2008

we are from bacteria????

according to science, what organisms today are all evolved from bacteria. in other words, human beings known as the most advanced organisms also evolved from bacteria. if you follow biodiversity closely, every living things are connected. the fact is depends on how far or closely related because one organism is evolved from another and it continued to evolve and evolve to form new and many more species, which explain the reasons of the various species we have today.

digesting the facts and it should be something like.... our ancestors are specifically not the ancestors we think they are if for chinese will be chinaman back in china and according to surnames but we sort of sharing the same ancestors as pigs, dogs, elephants, ants, worms, scorpions, fish, sponges, starfish, mushroom, plankton and whatever living organisms you name it. because our ancestors of all ancestors are bacteria called cyanobacteria!


well, theoretically it maybe a yes esp humans since we are the most advanced organisms so we evolve from animals and also all the living organisms in the world but dude, we dont call the pig or the grass, 'greatgreatgreatgreaaaaaaaat......grandfather', do we? adeh.

anyways, thats not suppose to be the right way to analyse the facts of science but its interesting though. alright, gotta back to microbes and will see what else to share.

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