28 April 2009

when rollercoaster reaches bottom

this morning with all my heart and soul, i walked to the hall like usual optimistically and confidently looking forward to answer my fourth paper. not long until the paper started, once i flipped through question 2, i was dumbfounded. and things got worse after each questions. when reached to a question needed calculation, i was anticipated cause in my mind i was like,'ok ok at last, i know this' but then it ended up causing me more frustration making me felt so stupid and realized how unprepared and how i've taken it for granted. as i flipped and further flipped i felt weaker and weaker.....its a saddening paper that hit me darn hard. if tears were to flow, its tears right from the heart.

26 April 2009

buat manusia yang memerlukan

wahai manusia manusia yang tengah sibuk berjuang untuk k.p.t dan t.b.g, inginku sebarkan utusan dari manusia yang maha mulia lagi maha pengasih tapi tak tau sejauh mana kebenarannya.
kerana engkau setia mengikuti kata kata karutku di laman berlatarkan hijau dan bergambarkan manusia molek yang dikecilkan, inilah rezekimu....

bagi k.p.t,
tidak perlulah disebarkan lagi utusan itu kerana tidak banyak masa pun yang tinggal. apa yang mampu buat kini hanyalah banyakkan sesi berbicara denganNYA....

namun bagi t.b.g,
biarlah engkau diberi panduan untuk mengharungi saat saat nak mampus ini supaya engkau tidak digolongkan dalam kategori gagal dan jumpa manusia yang maha mulia lagi maha pengasih itu semula. jika engkau gagal, engkau juga akan dilanjutkan pengajian mu di bangunan batu yang cukup berumur itu. oh., tidak.

baca baik baik wahai manusia sekalian, mengikut surat yang ke-3, ayat pertama, soalan berkemungkinan adalah...

"3soalan struktur dari bab 4. kemungkinan soalan membabitkan a.l.l.e.l.e yang membawa maut (l.e.t.h.a.l a.l.l.e.l.e) dan sebagainya, e.p.i.s.t.a.t.i.s dan rationya.
g.e.n.e.tic p.o.p.u.l.a.t.i.o.n
g.e.n.e.tic m.a.p.p.i.n.g
esei pula...
bukti d.n.a dan r.n.a,
m.o.l.e.c.u.l.a.r g.e.n.e.tic - r.e.p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.n (tak pasti), t.r.a.n.s.c.r.i.p.t.i.o.n dan t.r.a.n.s.l.a.t.i.o.n."

apa apapun, janganlah terlalu leka dengannya. soalan tutor jangan diabaikan. tidak ada sebarang jaminan dan segala risiko ditanggung sendiri. aku hanyalah berkongsi dengan apa yang ada....

24 April 2009

agak panas

aduhai, bukan saya banyak dosa ke ape tapi betul betul panas kebelakangan ni. macam dah lama tak hujan je padahal baru ribut tengah tengah malam hari tu. malam ribut tu, memang seronok giler tidor. sejuk dan selesa memeluk bantal pada masa yang sama berlipat dan menggulung di bawah selimut. khusyuk dibuai mimpi...lena tak terkata sampai ribut pun tak tau. aduhai, bila nak hujan lagi malam malam?????

moving moving...

so ya, i've found and rented a house near campus. everything looks okay to me but that housing area not really much preferred because the junction entering there is dangerous.

how dangereous??!!

lets just say that, many many accidents had occured. too many that the campus gate located in front of the junction was long closed. minor and major accidents involved that some of the accidents' victims had ended dead, half dead, paralysed, half paralysed, head burst, hands legs broken and lucky ones would prob be minor injuries and others still safe and sound. other than that, the junction is nothing much but a normal road.

so, dangerous ka??? it depends to us ba to rate how dangerous it is. if its destined to be...then....

back for nothing

yo, hibernated blog!

erm, today.....
weather is good. hot bright friday!
mood aint bad. well, no reason why i should be in bad mood or whatsoever.
bear bear is healthy.
motorbike still with 2 wheels.
laundry basket...? err,...still in considerable condition. AH @#$%^, my UNIFORM!....damn, been chucked for weeks. noh noh, more than that d. aiya...kan bu tau..kan bu tau....tak nampak...tak nampak... later laaaa...

so! so!!!!! weekend is heeerrree!!!!! and YES, end of first week of exam. woohoooo.... 2 weeks to go. specifically...[counting with fingers] 13days more. ya, 13 hari lagi saje!! SAJE!!!

anyways, while i'm here i shal update a lil bout myself. too bad i can only blog about me cause i only know updates bout me. guess its confirmed that i'm not accepted to stay in hostel for next sem. hah!!!! halau lar, tak kisah pon! all these are caused by the new intake in next session. dont know why, uni decided to take in so so many students. not as if the uni is very huge or what but increasing almost 2times of the normal intake. what for????? whatever it is, because first year students compulsory to stay in hostel and priority must be given to them. to fill those in..., apa lagi, seniors of every hostels become the victims. one by one kicked out...no no, to be exact, groups by groups been kicked out. and thats y i'm moving out. i mean i need to move out even though we were given the words and so called guaranteed we get to stay til the very last sem. whatever. its gonna be my last sem here. i dont give a damn man, think of it, next sem.....

i hv no curfew! i conquer my room! i can wear shorts in and out! CYCLE to campus! WALK to campus! and babi... er, still not very approriate. hehe...after all, i'm stil staying with muslims and i'm the only chinese in the house.
but it will be real real fun if i hv bicycle....

09 April 2009

lighten myself

it depends on how i view it...
running away definitely not the right choice
no matter how heavy i feel...
the burden will be removed piece by piece
all i have to do is....
look at the brighter side of the day,
believe that the grey sky will turn to bright blue sky and the clouds will give way for the sun to shine...

07 April 2009

will it be a warning for me?

god knows why i woke up with chest pain and heartache today. the feeling definitely not a good one. everyone knows heart is important, so do i but knowing it by words and really know is different case. i wouldnt know how really important my heart is until today when my heart pumped so fast and each beats ached me that i had to press my chest at times and even felt that i would collasped anytime. its not scary but i was worried. i didnt exactly know what kinds of level of pain only can be considered as pain but to be safe, i did asked my roommate to check on me when i fall asleep for example check if i still breathing and inform my parents if anything about to happen to me and asked her to tell the doc or somebody that i complained bout heartache if i fainted or whatsoever guess that will make their work easier. but until now, even though i can still feel the slightly pain, i am still breathing. so nothing to worry about. hah, at least i learnt that i was not afraid of this way of death (for now).