29 September 2009

i choose

if i am to suffer, please let me suffer all the pain at one time in one shot rather than being painful for a long period of time. time may be the best medicine but it can be killing at times.

26 September 2009


falling sick is very common. maybe once a while like once in 2-3 months or for girls perhaps slightly once a month.

when people usually have those illnesses like fever, flu, cough and sore throat, i will more commonly attacked by bacteria which caused me food poisoning.

i dont know why but it seems that i get food poisoning more often than those sicknesses i mentioned. suka suka tornado will occurs in my stomach. everything will turn upside down and the chaos is clearly heard by human ears. then, digestive system will be malfunction and everything starts to go wrong and leads to stomachache, diarrhea and vomit. thank god, i'l be fine after throwing up.

i wonder if its me stuffing too much and macam-macam in my tummy. i'm worried when my tummy expands and harden. thats terrifying you know. and thats when i realise the good side of diarrhea and vomitting. very obvious, its stock clearing sign.

20 September 2009

selamat hari raya!

Ъ~~ se...se...se...selamat hari raya kepada saudara serta saudari...
setahun hanya sekali...
meraikan hari yang mulia ini.....~~~~

selamat hari raya aidilfitri warga malaysia. tak kira bangsa dan agama memandangkan kita kan 1 malaysia. sebab itu saya balik awal and bercuti sekali. ahaha...

sambutan hari raya sememangnya amat bermakna terutama setelah sebulan berpuasa. nikmat aidilfitri lebih terasa dengan adanya bulan puasa. walaupun hari saya berpuasa tidaklah seberapa tetapi saya dapat merasai kepuasan, kelegaan dan kebahagiaan berakhirnya bulan ramadhan dan bermulanya syawwal.

sungguhpun kengkawan saya di bandar tercinta saya entah hilang ke mana, rumah yang patut terbuka tidak nampak pintunya. *haihz...tak apalah.... banyak lagi rumah terbuka menunggu saya di tm. hoo~~hooo~~~ tak sabarnya ... makanan raya... makanan...makanan.... mmm... yumm yummm....

12 September 2009

can i lean on you?

at this moment if i measure my body pressure, i'm sure the device will end up bursting into pieces...

idiot me for some reason pushed myself to a limit that i'm so tensed, frustrated and ended up breaking down in a dead end feeling so lost, so miserable and kinda hopeless. i'm just like a person sitting at one quiet, solitary, dark corner all by myself curling and hugging both my legs in despair. in this silence.....,

if only.......

there's a place for me to rest and lean on....

if i ask, will you...?

10 September 2009


an anatomy book called 'anatomy' which my lecturer owns it is indeed very special. basically the content almost the same as what we learn today but...

this book is written around 1869! count and its like 140 years ago!!!!

i dont really remember but its pretty obvious that in 1800s, no such thing called electron microscope or whatever sophisticated devices yet. however without those someone can actually figured so much about the human anatomy and look at these pictures drawn... they are amazingly beautiful!

it's a wonder to see these pictures. i truly admire them.
i guess many has been contributed whether the one viewed or the one being viewed as its not about one or two dissections. in order to examine those parts by parts to have a clearer and better view, well indeed needed tonnes of hardwork, determination and interest.
it's even more impressive how one from that era is able to study this anatomy thing. even though i only had little time to only flipped through the pages, from the drawing there's not much difference of 140 years ago and today's knowledge.
ever wonder who's that great person?
henry gray! ya, thats the one with dr.carter and dr.westmarcott produced such brilliant work. the book called anatomy by gray...anatomy gray.....gray anatomy..... sounds familiar??? perhaps thats how the show grey's anatomy earns the name. hah! just some wild guess.


on the other hand, malaysia which most malaysians know this name is declared replacing tanah melayu at the year of 1963. since then, we are known as malaysians and malaysia is known as malaysia worldwide.
but to my surprise, the name malaysia is not smtg new in fact it is pretty well known by the reseachers, ecologists and botanists many many years back. look.... this is smtg found in a book written in 1923.

i'm not sure how malaysia got its name but from this piece of evidence we know that malaysia has long existed. foreigners basically british has used this name in their researches.
at that time, malaysia back then is known as huge as what we learn as southeast asia of today.
but god knows how, the name doesn't seem to be used elsewhere and soon it seems to be vanished until someone in our country decided to rename 'tanah melayu' as malaysia.
its a wonder now to me why the name no longer be used and who decided on the name of our country and how the name came across that particular person.
whatever it is, i feel shameful as i don't seem to know my country well. *sigh... history in school should plays a better role

04 September 2009

box set 368

the just released slovak sling's pirated dvd seller/dealer guy was searching for a dvd he labelled as 368 and

guess what?????

that dvd is actually dvd of SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANT!!!!! oh my god!!!! of all the dvds. adeh!

a 3seconds special appearance by spongybob and patrick in slovak sling.... .....unbelievable.....

03 September 2009


here i am in the middle of the night after one roti canai with teh tarik in mamak stall. i doubt its the supper that still keeps me wide awake but no other factor can best explain it.

anyways, with most of them soundly asleep except some guys living upstairs making some shocking sound unexpectedly, i just finished watching one future a day after its released date. well, one i forgot and two i slept early yesterday to repay my only 2,4 hours sleep day before.

i guess besides yasmin ahmad chocolate, one future is something i find interesting and i think there's really a huge message behind the story (though i know every short films have messages to be told, problem is i'm not that smart to figure out most of them). perhaps it's that guy called tian chua should be the correct name which makes me to relate it to politics in this country automatically.

besides liking the way the film is plotted, edited and produced, i feel that the story is so malaysia at some point. [well duh, the main title is 15malaysia ba] something reflecting what's happening here but just like chocolate not many actually realise and can see it. only a certain of people know the existence because they witness it or experience it. maybe thats the reason the director chose that guy for the film.

after 8 short films which outlined in a very artistic way basically about misunderstanding, discrimination, natural resources, social problems etc.... are those really what malaysia is to them???? do they see malaysia in that way???? telling us how realistic it is???? what kind of awareness do they actually trying to draw?

majority up to now are negative or issues. dont they have something really sweet and beautiful stuff about malaysia or malaysians? not regarding those in advertisements made by the kementerian but no matter how realistic is in reality now, i'm sure malaysia is not only about those. perhaps what outlined were only a tiny black dot on the white cloth. why cant we look in the white and let it shadow the tiny dot....lets together make our country a better place...lets walk the 1malaysia and not talk bout it only.

looking forward for at least one film - one genuine shot