when i fall sick, usually if i take good care of myself like swallow pills after meal, rest under blanket and sweat under it, then i'l be fine after that sleep or i'l be fine after a day or two. but this time, it took more than 5 days and i'm still coughing a llittle, nose still blocked with most of the time i hv to force the sticky yellow greenish mucous out and my voice - as usual duck alike voice.
so, i was wondering whats really wrong with me and my roommate actually freaked me out by pointing out the possibility of infected with some virus or some diseases since there are a few weird and scary illness these days.
so, i landed my butt on the chair and tried to figure out whats the problem which i ac couldn't do much. well what could i do anyways right i'm not the doctor. however, trying to be smart me well try

to think smart of course, looking around making use of my eyes and at the same time diagnosing ----scanning--- with my brain---- and aha! if i'm the doctor, the doctor is good at giving prescription and so i took a look at my paracetamol. ~~~~~aduhai~~~~~ pil aku sudah expired oo! dush!
now the truth is revealed....
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