30 December 2009
when its crashed
ever since xmas i could feel that i was in major disappointment and slightly unhappy. i tried to comfort myself. i tried to be as optimistic as i could be. i kept telling myself its not a big deal, i dont care, its just a small matter that people actually dont worry bout it at all. even i myself felt it was a small matter but i really never thought that the impact would be this huge. it was so severe that at one point, i knew and i could hear my heart was crying in disappointment.
say i'm silly, perhaps i am, to be upset over a small matter but to know that i maybe unable to achieve what i've been setting my focus, you can never imagine that feeling unless you experience it.... it is so painful.
12 December 2009
anyways, xmas is coming!!!! but i've already got myself this year's xmas presents...hahahahaha!!!!!! cool stuff and damn, i love them very much so much!!!!
ah, OMG, just realise that my HAIR REACH MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!! this is SUPERBLY LONG for me..... unbelievable. this length wont last for long cause i plan to go for a trim real soon.
there is this weird thing, when its year end rashes seem to attack me. i am like typing halfway, scratch here, type again, scratch there.... damn, its so itchy and i know i shouldnt be scratching or else it will turn red and tiny lumps will appear @ rashes.... dammit, i cant continue anymore, its really itchy. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
18 November 2009
some crap to avoid reading
10 November 2009
ekspedisi memburu dan makan durian
gerai pertama yang dikunjungi nampaknya kurang bijaksana. penjualnya dengan muka licik menjual tanpa ikhlas, tidak jujur serta sempat mengeluarkan kata-kata sinis. sambil mereka makan, mereka pun layan sahajala kata-kata itu.
dah kata penjual tak jujur, mestilah durian yang dibelah kurang enak, harga pula rm10 untuk 3biji, tak berpatutan langsung dengan kualiti durian yang dimakan!!! keras, sikit, tak sedap!!! tak guna betul pakcik itu!!!! [dosa pakcik! terimalah di dunia akhirat nanti!] umpama membeli pengalaman sahajala di gerai itu.
selepas itu, dengan kurang rasa puas hati, ekspedisi memburu dan makan kembali beraksi. gerai kedua dijaga oleh dua orang budak india. si budak lelaki itu sibuk melayan tiga lelaki dewasa yang khusyuk makan durian dan si adik perempuannya itu entah tengah buat apa.
budak lelaki itu menyuruh mereka memilih durian yang dikehendaki dan harganya tak menentu mengikut saiz durian. dengan was-was dan seolah-olah mereka terdengar suara hati mereka lalu memutus untuk ke gerai seterusnya meninggalkan gerai budak india itu.
gerai ketiga ini adalah jagaan seorang pakcik, makcik dengan seorang anak lelakinya. seperti biasa, mereka buat-buat berunding harga dan kualiti durian pada awalnya. salah seorang daripada mereka sempat mengintai durian-durian yang terletak di dalam but kereta.
dalam but itu, ada durian yang isi lebih sedap dan busuk yang diasingkan dan selainnya disusun di atas lantai. mengikut pakcik itu durian yang isi sedap, apabila digoncang, ada bunyi, menandakan kualiti baik. apa lagi, durian kualiti baik sudah tentu perlu dimasukkan ke dalam perut mereka.
setelah berunding harga, pakcik muka jujur ini sememangnya baik kerana sanggup menurunkan harga dari rm20 untuk 8biji ke rm15. entahlah berpatutan atau tidak asalkan berjaya dikurangkan harga pun jadilah.
pada masa itu juga, mereka membeli dan makan, memberi sepenuh kepercayaan kepada kata-kata pakcik itu yang menyatakan durian itu sedap.
sememangnya pakcik muka jujur itu jujur kerana setiap biji yang dibelah itu amat sedap rasanya, cukup manis dan berlemak. mereka pun makan dengan lahapnya dan seulas demi seulas disumbat sehingga terasa kepuasan yang mengukir senyuman di muka masing-masing dan kekenyangan yang nak termuntah.
sehingga sekarang salah seorang daripada mereka masih dan asyik sendawa sambil menaip di sini. apa-apapun, ekspedisi memburu dan makan durian dikira berjaya dan berbaloi!!!!!
09 November 2009
exam begins
therefore, its hard for them not to show off how 'the end' of their exams sufferings because after this they no longer face anymore examinations if they dont plan to continue their studies.
moreover, when they just knew my paper just started, wasn't that the most perfect time to tease me and express their stupid ugly happy arrogant faces?
but surprise surprise, i dont give a damn. at all.
now i patiencely waiting for the coming of the two papers. its my first time having paper on the last day of the exam. can't believe i manage to experience it on my last semester in the campus. and it sure feels good to end the last paper because it is not only the last paper taken in this sem but last paper of my whole degree on the last day of last exam of my last semester in campus.
06 November 2009
un-stress myself
this may be a lil disgusting but it's about life it's about us it's about me...
so, what about?? ah, as i'm sitting facing my laptop browsing the words, papers on the table and pencil in my hand, the uneasy feelings arise. i start to do some stretching, trying to get the feelings away yet i'm getting more irritated. in other words, it is the sign of me being stressed.
then after, i figure out something [bright bulb appear above my head *ting*]. something somehow some way best to release tension... is... by farting. and the key is the longer and louder the fart, the better it works. oh, sometimes its fun too if the fart is short but keep on farting small one in a row.. serious! that moment that force of air released that moment youl feel lighten up that moment a smile automatically appear on the face... you know the satisfactory feelings, the *aaaaahhhhh... and the body seems to become softer and liquify, flowing... if you don't know then imagine..... imagine you're having stomachache. ah, damn, really aching but oh no, toilet elek [with the hand twisting, head shaking and funny face expression] so no choice but to hold very long.......very very long...you squeeze you tummy. cross your legs. bend your body...still holding on... then goosebumps. cold sweat on the face and dripping from the hair. and [s][h][i][v][e][r]...i tell you thats the most horrible condition ever BUT that moment you get to release... OMG *plip plip plup plup* tak payah la kot nak cerita kepuasan itu.... well, YEAH! thats the moment, thats the solution....
*i think i blog bout this before but doesnt matter since i've written it...
22 October 2009
one sentence
19 October 2009
certainly it's not the end but another new beginning to move on.
aah, still a long way to go.....
bukan kerana makan nasi sejuk dengan telur,
bukan kerana tugasan yang bertimpal,
bukan kerana tesis yang tidak nampak penghujungnya,
bukan kerana esok exam malam ini baru nak baca,
bukan kerana tak dapat tidur,
bukan kerana tak dapat balik rumah,
menderita lagi aku melihat orang yang disayangi dan dicintai menderita dan aku sekadar memandang dari jauh tidak mampu membuat apa-apa....
sedar tak sedar, penderitaan inilah penderitaan yang paling menyeksakan bagi aku.
29 September 2009
i choose
26 September 2009
when people usually have those illnesses like fever, flu, cough and sore throat, i will more commonly attacked by bacteria which caused me food poisoning.
i dont know why but it seems that i get food poisoning more often than those sicknesses i mentioned. suka suka tornado will occurs in my stomach. everything will turn upside down and the chaos is clearly heard by human ears. then, digestive system will be malfunction and everything starts to go wrong and leads to stomachache, diarrhea and vomit. thank god, i'l be fine after throwing up.
i wonder if its me stuffing too much and macam-macam in my tummy. i'm worried when my tummy expands and harden. thats terrifying you know. and thats when i realise the good side of diarrhea and vomitting. very obvious, its stock clearing sign.
20 September 2009
selamat hari raya!
setahun hanya sekali...
meraikan hari yang mulia ini.....~~~~
selamat hari raya aidilfitri warga malaysia. tak kira bangsa dan agama memandangkan kita kan 1 malaysia. sebab itu saya balik awal and bercuti sekali. ahaha...
sambutan hari raya sememangnya amat bermakna terutama setelah sebulan berpuasa. nikmat aidilfitri lebih terasa dengan adanya bulan puasa. walaupun hari saya berpuasa tidaklah seberapa tetapi saya dapat merasai kepuasan, kelegaan dan kebahagiaan berakhirnya bulan ramadhan dan bermulanya syawwal.
sungguhpun kengkawan saya di bandar tercinta saya entah hilang ke mana, rumah yang patut terbuka tidak nampak pintunya. *haihz...tak apalah.... banyak lagi rumah terbuka menunggu saya di tm. hoo~~hooo~~~ tak sabarnya ... makanan raya... makanan...makanan.... mmm... yumm yummm....
12 September 2009
can i lean on you?
idiot me for some reason pushed myself to a limit that i'm so tensed, frustrated and ended up breaking down in a dead end feeling so lost, so miserable and kinda hopeless. i'm just like a person sitting at one quiet, solitary, dark corner all by myself curling and hugging both my legs in despair. in this silence.....,
if only.......
there's a place for me to rest and lean on....
if i ask, will you...?
10 September 2009
this book is written around 1869! count and its like 140 years ago!!!!
i dont really remember but its pretty obvious that in 1800s, no such thing called electron microscope or whatever sophisticated devices yet. however without those someone can actually figured so much about the human anatomy and look at these pictures drawn... they are amazingly beautiful!
on the other hand, malaysia which most malaysians know this name is declared replacing tanah melayu at the year of 1963. since then, we are known as malaysians and malaysia is known as malaysia worldwide.
i'm not sure how malaysia got its name but from this piece of evidence we know that malaysia has long existed. foreigners basically british has used this name in their researches.
04 September 2009
box set 368
that dvd is actually dvd of SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANT!!!!! oh my god!!!! of all the dvds. adeh!

a 3seconds special appearance by spongybob and patrick in slovak sling.... .....unbelievable.....
03 September 2009
anyways, with most of them soundly asleep except some guys living upstairs making some shocking sound unexpectedly, i just finished watching one future a day after its released date. well, one i forgot and two i slept early yesterday to repay my only 2,4 hours sleep day before.
i guess besides yasmin ahmad chocolate, one future is something i find interesting and i think there's really a huge message behind the story (though i know every short films have messages to be told, problem is i'm not that smart to figure out most of them). perhaps it's that guy called tian chua should be the correct name which makes me to relate it to politics in this country automatically.
besides liking the way the film is plotted, edited and produced, i feel that the story is so malaysia at some point. [well duh, the main title is 15malaysia ba] something reflecting what's happening here but just like chocolate not many actually realise and can see it. only a certain of people know the existence because they witness it or experience it. maybe thats the reason the director chose that guy for the film.
after 8 short films which outlined in a very artistic way basically about misunderstanding, discrimination, natural resources, social problems etc.... are those really what malaysia is to them???? do they see malaysia in that way???? telling us how realistic it is???? what kind of awareness do they actually trying to draw?
majority up to now are negative or issues. dont they have something really sweet and beautiful stuff about malaysia or malaysians? not regarding those in advertisements made by the kementerian but no matter how realistic is in reality now, i'm sure malaysia is not only about those. perhaps what outlined were only a tiny black dot on the white cloth. why cant we look in the white and let it shadow the tiny dot....lets together make our country a better place...lets walk the 1malaysia and not talk bout it only.
looking forward for at least one film - one genuine shot
26 August 2009
sepanjang saya berpuasa walaupun tak banyak hari, semalam merupakan hari yang paling mencabar untuk saya....aaah...
saya hampir-hampir tidak puasa penuh semalam. dengan badan yang mula menunjukkan tanda-tanda demam dan setelah menelan 2biji panadol elok-elok sebelum azan subuh, saya menahan kekeringan mulut dan tekak sepanjang hari. semalam juga entah apa sebabnya, kelaparan amat dirasai dan terpaksalah saya menahan dan menahan. jalan termudah, saya tidur.
petang pula buat kali pertama saya berjalan di pasar ramadhan dalam keadaan berpuasa, sememangnya rasa sangat mencabar dan amat tercabar.
dengan lauk-pauk di atas meja, ayam digolek bersinar menitis nitis minyaknya, ayam percik, kepak panggang, ikan bakar, roti john, kebab, laksa, kuih muih, nasi ayam, nasi tomato, sup saudagar, murtabak dan segala makanan dan minuman di depan mata tak kira sedap ke tak sedap [tapi memang semua nampak sedap] tidak henti-henti meransang dan menguatkan nafsu makan saya. memang terasa dan teringin sangat-sangat untuk beli dan makan SEMUA makanan tersebut.
bukan itu sahaja, bunyi ais dan air pula, semasa makcik penjual air mengacau tong-tong air menyebabkan saya semakin terliur terbayangkan kesedapan dan kesegaran menghirup air sejuk yang sedap itu.... aduhai, masa itu saya berfikir alangkah sedapnya kalau dapat seteguk. seteguk pun jadilah...
tetapi dengan semangat, kecekalan dan kesabaran yang tinggi, apa yang boleh saya buat masa itu hanyalah sekadar menelan kembali air liur yang semakin melimpah-limpah dan menunggu detik demi detik dan syukurlah saya berjaya buat kali kedua untuk tahun ini.
22 August 2009
i guess it's a sign of good beginning since it falls on first day of ramadhan, beginning of the holy month =)
when i was home that day, i found this item that i kept and treasured as its one and only in the world. what made it more precious was that it was made meant for me. yes, made! and this year on my special day, i've decided to use this item as when i was is when the sender is now.
x x x x x
dengan niat-niat ini, saya bersedia dan amat bersemangat untuk berpuasa selagi dan selama saya berada di kolej tahun ini. jadi, marilah bersahur, berpuasa, berpasar ramadhan dan berbuka bersama-sama!!!! tarawih??? [tak perlu laa kot]
baiklah, sambung mengaji sekarang... birthday ke puasa ke exam tetap ada... lepas exam baru kita berseronok melebih-lebih!!!!! woohooo....
11 August 2009
~ouch!~ but nice
10 August 2009
purest raindrops
many things seem to want to appear in my mind but i managed to refuse except to some that managed to pop out and caused me to be...
its a rainy morning i woke up to as though god really can read through me. i myself couldn't understand why i felt this way.
all i could feel is a heavy, darn f***ing heavy heart that hurts little by little. its a pain where i dont tear from my eyes but deep in my heart. that invisible tear is painful, real painful, more than ever. eventually i teared after flipping and reading........
i wonder i really do wonder why.
30 June 2009
[ ]
therefore this blog is temporary on vacation too...
enjoy your days like how author does
26 June 2009
back in one piece
yes! thats the word....
for the last 19 days, days have been filled with excitement, eager, enthusiasm, energetic, commitment, patriotism, burning, exhaustion, anger, pain, fatigue, anxiety, drowsiness, sleepiness, patience, confidence, dynamic, proud, satisfaction, smiles, laughters, joy, fear, craziness, fascination, overwhelming, splendid, pleasure, remarkable, amusement, happiness, gratefulness and loads of loads of fun.
it will be cool to share everything here ....but not now cause i just back from long journey, very the worn out.
i need to rest.
*may you r.i.p michael.jackson.
02 June 2009
externally i maybe 16 years old
[its what unknown aunties uncles told me]
internally i maybe 46 years old
the actual me...
*sigh... real long
31 May 2009
not good
not that i am sad but i am sinked in boredom waiting for the korean drama to finish downloading. taking forever.
and why am i still watching?
because i cant think of better thing to do. so free. so nothing to do or to be more accurate i refuse to do
[just so you know my proposal is still incomplete where almost all had completed theirs, some even had their thesis started; whole database waiting for me to transfer so that a new website can be created; and stuff to list and pack for final training in u.pm]
its so annoying when interest of doing something anything at least one thing vanished. totally infected with virus LAZY 09.
worse when i dont even feel like rolling and lazing on my bed.
adding to my discomfort is the hot weather. making me sweat, sticky and smelly for no reason.
and improper sitting posture causing my shoulder and back to ache.
how disturbed and uneasy! not a good sign.
29 May 2009
kalo rajin bacalah
haiwan (haiwan-haiwan) ini hebat sekali sehingga terpapar di akhbar dan 'terima kasih' kepada wartawan dan syarikat akhbar, berita dan haiwan itu menarik perhatian warga tidak kira umur dan bangsa (ya, hitam, putih dan perang...semua sekali) dari seluruh semenanjung. benar sebenarnya.... bandar saya sekarang bukan sahaja (bukan lagi) terkenal dengan taman tasik, zoo dan bukit tapi haiwan ini juga. kini ia telah menjadi tumpuan pelancong dan sekaligus berjaya mengharumkan bandar saya (terima kasih? aduhai..).
pernah saya melihat dan mengira lebih kurang 20 bas bertapak di perkarangan haiwan ini melepak. bayangkan sekiranya sebuah bas membawa minima 35 dan maksima 42 penumpang, berapakah orang yang menyibuk dan menyemak di bandar saya??? itu hanyalah dari mata kasar saya, belum lagi kira bas yang entah letak di mana, orang yang saya tak nampak, yang datang sendiri, menggunakan kenderaan sendiri dan orang tempatan sendiri. kerana pemberi maklumat saya memberitahu kadang-kadang sampai menjangkau 40 lebih buah bas.
persoalannya, mengapakah????
hah! kehebatannya amat menakjubkan!
dengan hanya mengambil sekeping duit kertas dan dengan perlahannya membelai/menggosok ke atas haiwan tersebut. (dengar kata gosok dari kepala ke badan. tak tahulah...) kemudian??? kemudian, apa lagi, pergilah beli nombor ekor dengan duit kertas itu!
sejauh manakah kebenarannya, saya tidak tahu kerana saya tidak cuba. rasanya tidak setipu mana memandangkan semakin hari semakin ramai orang asing menyemak di sini. yang tak pernah datang, datang dan yang pernah datang, datang lagi. namun begitu, kejadian ini kini terlalu hangat sehingga mendapat perhatian pihak polis....haha, ini yang menarik dan mengelikan hati saya kenapa pihak polis boleh terlibat. membuat tinjauan? tangkapan? atau siasatan?
mengikut sumber maklumat saya, sebabnya adalah....
1. ingin menangkap orang me_a_u yang terlibat. kenapa??? sebab HARAM!!! mengapa haram??? sebab haiwan itu adalah B-A-B-I!!!! is_a_ mana boleh sentuh babi!!!!??? is_a_ mana boleh berjudi!!!!???
2. [yang ini sangat lucu bagi saya] sebab perbuatan ini dianggap tidak hormat kepada raja, negara dan agama? mengapa??? pernah tak terlintas ataupun sedar apa yang tercetak di atas duit kertas kita??? gambar siapa??? beliau orang apa??? agama apa???? dan apakah perbuatan orang-orang itu - [hint] gosok pada haiwan itu. jadi, gosok-muka-orang tercetak-haiwan dan haiwan itu adalah BA-- (kaitkan sendiri. dapat? boleh bayang?)
boleh ke dikaitkan sebegitu??? salah ke? saya tak tahu. renung-renung dan fikir-fikirkanlah...
aduhai, tidak pernah saya terpikiaq benda macam ni. sungguh!
apa sudah kes ini sekarang? tidak diketahui. sumber saya sudah pergi melancong dan saya malas untuk melawat kuil itu.
orang sekarang semakin pelik, hidup terlalu senang kot. tak tahulah...
23 May 2009
short and perhaps unnecesary post
i admit adam lambert has more powerful voice and vocal. no doubt he is also versatile however, personally i like kris allen more to adam lambert. definitely not because adam lambert is a gay (so far as rumours spread) but there are several parts that i dislike about him. his singing style esp his singing faces expression which was quite ugly and similar to crying and begging for sympathy and his voice at certain range somehow irritated me and freaked me out which made me felt that kris allen was way way better. i know its certainly a lame excuse and not fair if i judged adam lambert in that way because even in finale kris allen was struggling to sing his new song no boundaries but tiny aspects like so would be taken into accounts.
anyways, kris allen no boundaries is good and heartless as well.
18 May 2009
hell ya its just the right time to shout it out loud......
17 May 2009
cepat cepat
right now i'm downloading the finale of prison break. taking me so loooooooong so long.
a.f 7 habis sudah ba
personally i think he sort of deserved it comparing to other 4. only one i think would be his real competitor, that would be aril and he did proved that as he's the runner up. some might not be satisfied cause he was voted out and then voted in again. its obvious that the whole academy had this voted in back thingie again for his sake (thats my personal thought) and he did rejoined the rest for the finale eventually earning himself the second place.
the rest of the three, well, i think they were just so-so. somehow isma, the only woman in the finalists was the one i felt the most not deserved to be on the stage last night (sorry isma fans) but what to do, public seem to like her (which was a big wonder to me). since this competition was basically depended on votes so its all about popularity, fanatic voters and loaded fans. but i do believe those ppl competiting and surviving til last 5or last 4 have something there to capture their fans' hearts. the x-factor that only their fans could see in them which worth every cents and ringgits of theirs.
as for yazid and akim, yazid's vocal was better than akim however i like akim's voice better but overall they just aint good enough. thats y they din win. ahaha! duh! well, sorry again to yazid and akim's fans.
this whole reality show was the reality show i would say spending the most on their so called students. the students were really taken care well and in fact they were living luxuriously in the academy during the last 10weeks. what a waste of money! perhaps thats was why af had been the aims of malay people here. i was wondering why only malays, sabahan and sarawakians were seen in this competition. why not for the chineses, indians and sikhs? because they couldn't sing better than them? or because they couldn't sing malay songs? or because they feel malay music industry was not what they wanted? but you know what, it could be a real good start. many af ex-students actually are doing pretty well in this industry. look at that eew mawi how he built his fortune in just few years. ah, i dont know why he irritated me in every angles and again its a big wonder why people so in love with him. just eeew!
whatever it is, lets wait for those finalists new songs to be aired esp hafiz's masih jelas. not too bad to give a try.
11 May 2009
now i know
in 2 weekends, i had 2 road trips. traveled across districts, states and country.
first weekend was from tanjung malim --> taiping --> perlis --> hatyai --> perlis --> taiping --> kuala kangsar --> manong --> tanjung tualang --> bidor --> tanjung malim. the road trip with friends actually started form taiping to tm.
second weekend which was just yesterday was from tanjung malim --> kl --> johor bahru --> teluk kerang --> pontian kechil --> kukup --> pulau kukup --> tanjung piai --> pontian --> pekan nenas --> kota tinggi --> kulai --> tanjung leman --> jemaluang --> mersing --> pulau tioman --> mersing --> johor bahru --> kl --> tanjung malim.
road trips are fun not only that we get to travel and eat but geography knowledge definitely improved. besides, the more i travel the more i know the more i fall in love with malaysia.
here are things that i dont know until my recent road trips :
- road to manong has this cool loop which reminds me of the maxis advertisement
- there's train called senandung malam express from kl - singapore (usually i only take express langkawi)
- kukup has international jetty and ppl ac can travel to indonesia through kukup
- the existence of pulau kukup and the mangrove forest in pulau kukup itself
- tanjung piai is the most southern tip of asia!
- pontian and kulai are not kampung like how the names sounded
- yummy noodles in pekan nenas
- waterfall in kota tinggi is charged for rm10 per person (tak guna!)
- the existence of tanjung leman and it's one of the options to cross to pulau sibu
- it takes up to rm200 per person to cross to pulau sibu (padahal its just 45 min ride)
- ktmb train's bed and pillow are pretty comfortable
- roads in johor aint bad to drive even though not a single lamp post and the roads are up and down turn and twist
- the absence of lamp posts throughout the road to mersing makes the moon and stars shine more brightly and the sky so beautiful
- food comes after beautiful sea (this is seriously unexpected!)
28 April 2009
when rollercoaster reaches bottom
26 April 2009
buat manusia yang memerlukan
kerana engkau setia mengikuti kata kata karutku di laman berlatarkan hijau dan bergambarkan manusia molek yang dikecilkan, inilah rezekimu....
bagi k.p.t,
tidak perlulah disebarkan lagi utusan itu kerana tidak banyak masa pun yang tinggal. apa yang mampu buat kini hanyalah banyakkan sesi berbicara denganNYA....
namun bagi t.b.g,
biarlah engkau diberi panduan untuk mengharungi saat saat nak mampus ini supaya engkau tidak digolongkan dalam kategori gagal dan jumpa manusia yang maha mulia lagi maha pengasih itu semula. jika engkau gagal, engkau juga akan dilanjutkan pengajian mu di bangunan batu yang cukup berumur itu. oh., tidak.
baca baik baik wahai manusia sekalian, mengikut surat yang ke-3, ayat pertama, soalan berkemungkinan adalah...
"3soalan struktur dari bab 4. kemungkinan soalan membabitkan a.l.l.e.l.e yang membawa maut (l.e.t.h.a.l a.l.l.e.l.e) dan sebagainya, e.p.i.s.t.a.t.i.s dan rationya.
g.e.n.e.tic p.o.p.u.l.a.t.i.o.n
g.e.n.e.tic m.a.p.p.i.n.g
esei pula...
bukti d.n.a dan r.n.a,
m.o.l.e.c.u.l.a.r g.e.n.e.tic - r.e.p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.n (tak pasti), t.r.a.n.s.c.r.i.p.t.i.o.n dan t.r.a.n.s.l.a.t.i.o.n."
apa apapun, janganlah terlalu leka dengannya. soalan tutor jangan diabaikan. tidak ada sebarang jaminan dan segala risiko ditanggung sendiri. aku hanyalah berkongsi dengan apa yang ada....
24 April 2009
agak panas
moving moving...
how dangereous??!!
lets just say that, many many accidents had occured. too many that the campus gate located in front of the junction was long closed. minor and major accidents involved that some of the accidents' victims had ended dead, half dead, paralysed, half paralysed, head burst, hands legs broken and lucky ones would prob be minor injuries and others still safe and sound. other than that, the junction is nothing much but a normal road.
so, dangerous ka??? it depends to us ba to rate how dangerous it is. if its destined to be...then....
back for nothing
erm, today.....
weather is good. hot bright friday!
mood aint bad. well, no reason why i should be in bad mood or whatsoever.
bear bear is healthy.
motorbike still with 2 wheels.
laundry basket...? err,...still in considerable condition. AH @#$%^, my UNIFORM!....damn, been chucked for weeks. noh noh, more than that d. aiya...kan bu tau..kan bu tau....tak nampak...tak nampak... later laaaa...
so! so!!!!! weekend is heeerrree!!!!! and YES, end of first week of exam. woohoooo.... 2 weeks to go. specifically...[counting with fingers] 13days more. ya, 13 hari lagi saje!! SAJE!!!
anyways, while i'm here i shal update a lil bout myself. too bad i can only blog about me cause i only know updates bout me. guess its confirmed that i'm not accepted to stay in hostel for next sem. hah!!!! halau lar, tak kisah pon! all these are caused by the new intake in next session. dont know why, uni decided to take in so so many students. not as if the uni is very huge or what but increasing almost 2times of the normal intake. what for????? whatever it is, because first year students compulsory to stay in hostel and priority must be given to them. to fill those in..., apa lagi, seniors of every hostels become the victims. one by one kicked out...no no, to be exact, groups by groups been kicked out. and thats y i'm moving out. i mean i need to move out even though we were given the words and so called guaranteed we get to stay til the very last sem. whatever. its gonna be my last sem here. i dont give a damn man, think of it, next sem.....
i hv no curfew! i conquer my room! i can wear shorts in and out! CYCLE to campus! WALK to campus! and babi... er, still not very approriate. hehe...after all, i'm stil staying with muslims and i'm the only chinese in the house.
but it will be real real fun if i hv bicycle....
09 April 2009
lighten myself
07 April 2009
will it be a warning for me?
29 March 2009
crazily jammed
the town that i love so much made me stucked in the car for around 40 minutes just to enter the ENTRANCE of tesco yesterday night. goodness!!!! and another 40 minutes stucked in the car from simpang to the toll today. AAAAHHHHH.....what da!
causes of traffic jammed :
- cheng beng
- nomination day or soon to be election in bkt gantang
getting more ~~dizzy~~ now....
24 March 2009
earth hour - save the earth
my tiny signature is the proof i signed up for earth hour
yea, just push the switch. its that simple!!!!!of course, it will be better if you always switch off the lights to reduce global warming.
18 March 2009
field trip

- mammal observing and trapping
- birds watching
- insects catching and trapping
- aquatic organism
- sample water
- plant collection
again, let pictures replace the words

incomplete group photo